Some new or small businesses in the City of Los Angeles who filed their business tax renewal on time, and qualified for exemptions from tax, are receiving Notices from the Office of Finance indicating they owe tax, interest, and penalties. If you believe you have received such a notice in error, contact your business lawyer, accountant, or the City of Los Angeles Office of Finance directly for resolution:
Kamis, 29 Maret 2007
Los Angeles Business License Tax Errors
business law,
los angeles law,
Kamis, 15 Maret 2007
Jonas Grant, Jonas M Grant law lawyer attorney
Revised, updated lawyer biography -
Jonas Grant bio
Los Angeles, California
California business lawyer
California business attorney
Los Angeles business lawyer
Los Angeles business attorney
Jonas Grant bio
Los Angeles, California
California business lawyer
California business attorney
Los Angeles business lawyer
Los Angeles business attorney
Jonas M Grant, Attorney at Law Bio
Jonas M. Grant, Attorney at Law bio - revised, updated lawyer biography - Los Angeles, California
Selasa, 06 Maret 2007
FAQ: California Fictitous Business Name
A fictitious business name, also referred to as FBN, doing business as, DBA, dba, D/B/A, or trade name is a name other than your own legal name, or the official name of your corporation, LLC, or other business entity. To use such a fictitious business name in California, you must file with your local government, usually at the county level and then publish a notice of this fact in a local newspaper of general cirulcation to put the public on notice of your assumed name. One person or company may have multiple fictitious business names.
A fictitious business name is not the same thing as a trademark or service mark. Firstly, because a DBA is only searched and registered on a local, rather than state or federal, level, and secondly, because registering a DBA does not in itself grant any trademark rights. A fictitious business name is generally not a subtitute for trademark registration.
FBN is sometimes mispelled "ficticious business name".
A fictitious business name is not the same thing as a trademark or service mark. Firstly, because a DBA is only searched and registered on a local, rather than state or federal, level, and secondly, because registering a DBA does not in itself grant any trademark rights. A fictitious business name is generally not a subtitute for trademark registration.
FBN is sometimes mispelled "ficticious business name".
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