Jumat, 09 April 2010

Things that I think are worth reading and knowing.

Occasionally I run across things that I like or think are useful and they may or may not be related to a particular topic, but I like to share so here are a few.

1. The details behind why investors consider being an angel investor...and what entrepreneurs should know if they are going to try and become one too.
Important Things for
Entrepreneurs to Know
about Angel Investors

2. The Angel Capital Association has a research section (including the item above) with a ton of good information.

3. I think handling mail is a hassle so...Earth Class Mail , although some of the reviews give me a rather large pause, but maybe Zumbox.com is the answer. In any case, these are cool ideas and I would love one to work out.

4. Along the same lines as above, I also think paying bills is a hassle so...PayTrust (made by Intuit but 1/5 the cost of Quicken bill pay).

5. Also, while working on this post, I ran across a big list of "Top Web Apps" that has some of my favorites and I intend to try some of the others too.

Be good.

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